Keep in Touch with SEAL

In addition to this website there are several ways you can keep in touch with SEAL members and club activities:

Mailing Lists

SEAL has three public mailing lists.

Two of the lists are for announcements from SEAL committee members only, if you join these lists you will receive a few messages a month with information about the club and magazine.

On the talk mailing list any list subscriber can send EMail to the list address which will then be sent to all other subscribers. In this way we can discuss SEAL topics away from meetings.

NOTE Subscribing to any or all of these lists is FREE, the list service (EGroups) is paid for by the small advert automatically added to each mail.

The Lists


This list will only be posted to by SEAL committee members, you can expect to see:
  • Meeting dates and activities
  • The latest for sale and wanted list
  • Important Amiga news
  • ...anything else relevant to SEAL members.

seal-announce will be a low traffic list carrying just a few posts per month.

We recommend all SEAL member subscribe to the announce list.
It will provide an easy way for the committee members to keep in touch with members without each of us maintaining a large database of EMail addresses. The EGroups service also offers extras like a calendar with automatic reminder postings, an archive of earlier EMails, surveys and a file database.

If this list proves popular we hope it will become the main channel for SEAL announcements.

To subscribe send a blank EMail to:
To unsubscribe send a blank EMail to:


This is a public mailing list so anyone interested in SEAL (particularly members) can discuss the group. Any list subscriber can post messages to this list.

The amount of traffic on this list will depend on its subscribers... it's up to you to use it.

PLEASE NOTE : I have set the age rating on this list as "suitable for all" so please don't post anything that might be considered offensive :).

To subscribe send a blank EMail to:
To unsubscribe send a blank EMail to:
Send messages for the list (subscribers only) to:


This list is mainly aimed at keeping Clubbed subscribers up-to-date with the status of the magazine. Anyone interested in Clubbed can subscribe.

This list will be even lower traffic than seal-announce with only one or two messages a month, as a minimum I will post a monthly progress report.

To subscribe send a blank EMail to:
To unsubscribe send a blank EMail to:

Other Options

EGroups offers many other options allowing you to setup your mailing lists exactly as you want them. Visit the EGroups website then click on the My Groups link to see all the options. If you have not subscribed to any lists yet or have subscribed by sending EMails you will need to register with EGroups (it's free) before you can access your "My Groups" page.

Internet Relay Chat Channel

Elliott Bird has set up an official #SEAL IRC channel on ARCNet where members of the club and anyone else interested can chat in real time.

#SEAL can be found on ARCNet (Amiga Relay Chat Network). To access the channel you will need an IRC client, most people think the best client is Vaporware's AmIRC, which can be found on most magazine cover discs and can also be downloaded from the Vapor website. Alternatively, there is BlackIRC from Innovative, the makers of FxPaint and FxScan, which is freeware.

A suitable ARCNet server to connect to is, port 6667.

If you need any more help/assistance, then please don't hesitate to contact Elliott.


SEAL has several EMail addresses where you can contact the club:

Main club EMail address for enquiries:

Chairman, Mick Sutton:

Anything relating to Clubbed magazine.

Messages regarding this website should be directed to Robert Williams who looks after the site:

For Sale and Wanted

The SEAL for sale and wanted list is a way for members to find out who in the club has items for sale and to request items they want. Printed copies of the current list are available at meetings so it reaches all members, even those who aren't on the Internet.

To add items to the list please contact Elliott Bird at:

We have decided not to put the list on this website, instead we recommend you use the excellent Amibench on-line classifieds service.

If you have any comments or suggestions on this site please EMail